So as I'm sure most of you know I don't like children one little bit. In fact I hate them, they are loud, rude, dirty, weirdly small and downright irritating. And they don't seem to have any sort of thought process, which I hate. Anyway, so while I hate kids I love cats, and my cats specifically. I have three, Bradley, Cadbury and Beans. I

thought I'd post a picture of each of them.
This first one is of Beans. He's a big cat, weighing in at an impressive 10kg. He's very friendly, and loves being picked up and carried around. At night he sleeps with me, which is great except when he decided to stretch himself out a little, and then he takes up a lot of space on the bed. All in all I love Beans a lot even thought he's sort of my mom's cat.
This next one is of Bradle

y. He is the latest addition to our family. He arrived about 2 months ago and just didn't leave. We decided to keep him because he's very friendly and we didn't have the heart to stop feeding him. He's still very young, probably under a year old, and he's still quite wild. He goes out at night and fights with other cats so he often has a few cuts and bruises. Two things that may suprise you about Bradley are that he loves playing with tennis balls, and that he loves eating trout.

This is Cadbury. He is 'my' cat, and he and Beans arrived at about the same time. We've had Cadbury for about 8 years now, and he's the most lovable of all the cats. He's very friendly, and loves to be held on his back. I often have a tuna sandwich and he always licks the bowl out afterwards, and when I bath he comes in to the bathroom and licks himself and waits for me to finish. He doesn't usually sleep with me because he and Bradley go out at night and usually cause a bit of trouble. Oh well, we love him. Another thing about Cadbury is that he purrs so loudly that he actually wakes my mom up at night. I don't mind though...
I think Cadbury may be drilling. But don't worry, I'm sure he's wearing goggles.