Thursday, March 12, 2009

New Adventures 5th - 12th

Before I start, I'd like to let everyone know that I have decided to cut back my blogging from every day to about 5 times a week. I don't want my blogs to ramble, I want them to be meaningful and to write that much which is worth reading is fairly difficult. Anyway, here we go...


Friday got off to a good start, with Pierre coming over to my house to drop off Battlestar Gallactica [BSG] seasons. He and I ended up having a good chat over some lunch and just hanging out for the afternoon.

I'm not sure when, but at some stage we decided to go through to meet up with an old friend of his in Long Street at a place called 'The Waiting Room'. We arrived to find that Shelly, the friend in question, had not yet arrived so we decided to get a drink and take a walk around for a bit.

The place was really cool and the atmosphere made it feel more like a house party than a club. After walking up an extremely narrow flight of stairs that must have ascended at least three stories we encountered a fairly narrow 'lobby' area. The first thing I noticed was that the floors were wooden and there were some deliberate details on the walls. Lighting was pleasant, and the music was forceful but not loud.

There were couches everywhere and 'funky' rugs on the ground to break the spaces. The bar was in one corner, and opposite was a long balcony inviting people to sit and look over Long Street. Another set of stairs was found next to the bar. After getting our drinks we went upstairs to find another area which had been strategically broken into two smaller and more intimate areas.

This area lead to a sheltered outside area where we found some picnic benches where we could sit and chat. Because we were further away from the sound system, the music became more atmospheric and less forceful, which was great.

From this outside area we found yet another narrow staircase that lead to the roof, and on the roof were many couches, picnic benches and tables. It was fantastic.

Needless to say, I thought the 'club' was great, even if the bar was quite awful. Ok, it wasn't awful but our drinks were warm, and with the temperature already being at least 30, probably more, this wasn't ideal.

We sat in the first outside area, hoping that seats on the roof would eventually open up while we waited for Shelly. The seats never arrived, Shelly did. We went inside and started telling random stories, some of which were funny others were just weird.

Shelly seemed like a nice enough girl, but she was a little reserved. Can't blame her though, she only met Gareth and I that evening.

At some stage Gareth let us know he wanted to go dancing. I wasn't too keen, but I figured it'd be best to just go along with it and see what happened. We went looking at all the clubs, but things weren't looking up.

First stop was a place called Fiction. We didn't actually make it inside because the people outside told us it was dead. So we moved on to a place Pierre thought might be good: Joburg. Not the city, it's apparently also a shit club.

After Pierre payed for Gareth and I to get inside, it was the biggest let down ever. The dance floor was about the size of a coffee table, with the worst music ever, and the people were mostly just drunk. After about 5 minutes we all knew this was going south quickly and we needed to leave.

After fighting our way past the bar, we went to Zula Bar, which was also dead. If Zula Bar is dead at midnight, you know there are problems. Not knowing what to do next, we decided to try an old hang out place Pierre knew called Pixies. When we got there it was closed, not sure why but it was.

So, we crossed the road and went to Rafiki's. We got a good table outside and just sat talking about French, and speaking French for that matter. I didn't know what was cutting...

At about 01h00 or so we decided to leave and assured Shelly we'd see her again. Don't know when but I think we'll see her again.


Saturday started off quite slowly, I finished watching Heroes season 3, and was not impressed. Far too predictable, and clinical to some extent. The plot did have a few interesting moments, but that was it. I'm sure lots of people disagree, but I don't care.

At about 19h00 or so, Justin gave me a call and told me he had spoken to a 'new' friend of ours, Candice. I had met her once before at a party on Valentine's day, and knew she lived in Paarl. That's far away, in case you don't know. Anyway, Justin was talking to her on Facebook chat and found out that she couldn't use the car, so he suggested that we go through there for a fairly chilled evening. I had nothing to do, and thought it would be cool to have a change of scenery so off we went.

Candice lives on a golf estate, and it's bloody big. After getting lost trying to find the place, we worked out that we should have turned left at a circle and after about 10 minutes of driving we found her house.

After meeting her parents and her sister's boyfriend we went outside for a cup of coffee and had a good chat. We ended up staying until about 2am, having some fairly interesting conversations with her and her sister's boyfriend, Royce. I don't know if that's how to spell his name, so please forgive me if I got it wrong.

A little after leaving, Justin told me that he was hungry, and so was I. We contemplated stopping off at a petrol station to get something to eat but decided that we'd be fine after all. We weren't. About 2 kms after passing the petrol station both of us decided we needed food, and before we got home.

I remembered that the McDonald's at N1 City is now 24 hours, so we decided to stop off there for dinner. When we got there, the que was much longer than you'd expect it would be at 3am, but figured most of the guys were probably drunk and needed food to sober up, so whatever.

We stopped behind a red golf, and the guy in the car had left a fairly large gap between his car and the car in front. Thinking that he was just looking at the menu or something we disregarded it. After at least 2, probably closer to 3 minutes of no movement we started wondering if he was awake of if he'd passed out. As we were wondering what was going on he started pulling forward quite slowly.

He rounded the corner and just before the window where you place your orders, I saw a woman's head pop up from his lap.

We were like, what the fuck just happened. Clearly this woman had 'gone down' on him while in the line to order food. Justin and I just laughed.

After he got his milkshake he got his order and left.

Good story...


Sunday I started watching BSG, before going to church on Sunday evening. Pierre, Justin, Matthew and I all though the pastor's sermon was good, but he viewed the text from an extremely conservative perspective, which I didn't entirely agree with. He spoke from John 8:31-59, and referenced it to John 20:30-31. If you're interested read it, and we'll have a chat.

After church we went through to Val's house where we had some good q&a time with her and Mandy.

Apparently next week we're getting coffee and cookies, so bargain.


BSG. That's all I have to say.


Tuesday evening Chelsea played the away leg against Juventus, and drew. On aggregate they went through to the next round which I was quite happy with.

We also went to see one of Gareth's friend, Len, perform with his band at a really cool pub named The Eye Of Horus. They had a really good live performance, and I wish them good luck for the battle of the bands competition.


Wednesday evening Pierre came over to my house for dinner and after a fairly rushed dinner we got ready and headed out to the Oxford Arms for drinks. While I was picking Matthew up I noticed Jan had sent me an sms asking if I would be able to pick him up. Being a fantastic friend, I drove through to his res just below UCT and from there we went through to Durbanville for a good time.

We've met Johann's friends a few time, and every time we meet them they warm up to us a little. This week they arrived before Johann and greeted us which was great. They seem like really nice people, and we sort of watched some football together which was nice. I think they are taken aback by our vulgar language and possibly our honesty. We just call it as we see it, and I think a lot of people hear that and think we're weird or something.

Anyway, this time they only started withdrawing toward the end of the evening, so we got a good few words in beforehand. Johann is a wonderful man, and we took some pictures for Beard Challenge before leaving at around midnight.

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