Wednesday, February 25, 2009

New Adventures 19th - 26th


I don't actually remember what happened during the day, but on Friday evening one of Alex's friends was going home after holiday so we went to Gandalf's to say goodbye, and it was bloody full. I honestly don't remember it being that full before. Like, it is always full on a Friday but it was extremely full this week.

I don't mind it being full, but I do mind when they play crap music, and they played rubbish music all night which wasn't fun. Having said that it was good fun to see some old friends, including one of the greatest men I know, Wayne.

While it was unpleasantly full and the music was rubbish, the evening wasn't a complete loss on account of the fact that I met a whole host of new people. I met two new guys, Andrew and Jason. Andrew is a baker and invited me to go with him to a strip club. I declined and told him to enjoy himself, which I sure he did. Nice guy though. Jason seemed like a really cool guy with a good sense of humor, but I didn't get to talk to him a lot.

The two girls I met were friends of another girl I already know, Tracey. They were Bronwyn and Nicky. Bronwyn had some pretty cool tattoos, and Nicky hooked up with one of my friends which was nice for him until he was cock blocked by a great man who was drunk and therefore a terrible wingman.

Friday was actually hook up night, with another of my friends hooking up with another old friend of mine, and I'm not sure that's going to turn out all that well, but it was probably fun at the time.

I am not really into the whole 'hook up with a random' thing, but I suppose if both parties are on the same page then it could be fun. I just wouldn't choose to do it. Not saying it's wrong or anything like that, just saying I wouldn't do it. Partially because I've never had a significant other and partially because I don't know if I would be able to separate the physical and the emotional.

Either way, we left at about 1 or so, and it was a mostly cool evening.


Saturday was a pretty cool day, which started out fairly slowly. At about lunch time I went to watch Donovan, Alex and Charlie play cricket. We got there and they weren't doing well. Charlie went in and did a really good job at batting, making an impressive total while the rest of the team sort of tried but didn't do all that well.

Donovan was batting well until he made a mistake and then it was over. He did however keep wicket really well, and Charlie continued his streak of being a winner in life by bowling really well and taking a few wickets. The team lost though, so that's a pity.

We left before the game ended so we could get ready to go through to Matt's house where we were going to watch the Pro 20 cricket final. To be honest I was enjoying chatting to Pierre and Gareth more than I watching the cricket so I ended up not really watching the cricket but fun was had in the end so no qualms.

After a really awful display of fire making, we successfully cooked most of the meat. The chicken was still a dodge, but it worked out in the end, I think. The Cobras [our team] won the final in the end which was rather entertaining, and put a smile on pretty much everyone's face.

I did get some news that truly upset me, but in this case there is very little I can do other than be a good friend, so that's what I am going to do.

After the Jizzer arrived at Matt's house we all left and Donovan, Alex, Charlie, Justin, Gareth and I went through to Mercury to see New Altum's new music video launch. The gig was good, with two other bands playing. The first band was pretty good, New Altum were decent and the sound was really good, and the final band, Yes Sir! Mister Machine, were really good too. They were much heavier which I liked, but they had that whole prog vibe going too. The sound was awful though, and as a result I couldn't hear the kick drum, so that was a fail.

After the gig, I hung out a bit upstairs, before Donovan gave me my second double cripple nipple of the night, which resulted in me kicking him very hard in the leg and accidently hitting his nuts too. I felt bad for hitting his balls, but not for kicking him. Then we went downstairs before Gareth and I left.

Charlie was feeling pretty down and so the guys decided to leave, but his night didn't get better after that. I'm not sure exactly how things happened, but basically Charlie really needed to piss so he walked into the corner of the alley and when he came back he had stood in human shit. He tried to clean it off, with very little success.

On the way home, everyone was feeling very sorry for him but they were all super cold because they had the windows open to try and get rid of the smell. It didn't work.


Sunday was a quiet day, and all we did was dota and go to church. Church was a bit of a fail though. The music was good, with one of the better mixes I've ever heard there but the sermon was balls. The preacher missed some fairly big points, and then didn't really actually follow the text at all. It was quite a disappointment because it's the second crap sermon in two weeks, so not much fun.

That evening we just went home and played more dota. I can't remember how the game went, but I suspect I did well because over the last 3 weeks or so I've been doing consistently well, so getting much better.


Monday was a lazy day, and all I did was listen to the new Lamb of God and read a bit. I didn't even write much, which was lame.

In the evening we had a great time though. The Jizzer wanted to meet up with some friends, so we all went through to Mercury for student night and we just went mental. To be fair we usually do go mental, but for some reason Mercury on a Monday night always turns out well. They play mostly good music and we all just dance for 3 - 4 hours solid.

Donovan managed to clear a space on the dance floor before going mental, and at least 30 people stopped dancing and just watched him and Justin dance away in a rather provocative manner, which is always fun. Then a little later they played some rock and the Jizzer and I wanted to headbang but it wasn't quite heavy enough so we let it go. Then a little after that, success. They played some Rage Against The Machine and some Blur and we went mental. Some guys started joining in, headbanging with us and as more space was cleared we went more mental. Eventually about 40% of the people were just watching us and cheering us along, good times.

Later on Donovan managed to create a dancing circle where people were cheering each other along and taking turns in dancing and whatever.

We got there at about 22h00 and left at about 01h00, and it was great.


After Monday night I was keen to just watch some football, so that's what I did. I was a bit surprised by the result between Lyon and Barca, as well as the result between United and Inter. I expected Barcelona to rip Lyon a new one, and Inter to beat United 1-0, but both ended in ties.


After Tuesday's results I felt sure that Chelsea could beat Juventus, and thought Real Madrid would beat Liverpool. Chelsea didn't disappoint, dominating the game and beating Juventus 1-0. It could have been 2-0 but that's how it goes, and I am sure they will beat Juventus in the second leg, but Real surprised me. They lost to Liverpool, simply because they didn't play well. They were just so slow on the ball, I didn't expect that.

Oh well, I guess that's how it goes sometimes.

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