Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Christianity vs The Bible Part 4

This is the final part in my blogs on Christianity and the Bible. Enjoy.

So, of the arguments that I've ever heard I don't believe any of them are relevant. So if there is no valid argument, in my opinion, against swearing is there an argument for swearing? For me, yes. In fact it's quite simple: integrity.

I believe that because Christians believe that they should be "showing the world who Christ is through their lives" they try to project an image of themselves as being perfect people who never falter in any way. But because I don't believe that's the message I should be communicating I don't try to show that to people. I believe that my life is worth more to people when it is shown for what it really is than what I wish it was or what I think it could or should be.

For that reason, when I get frustrated I don't try and show people what I think they should see, I show them what's really going on in my mind. And often that is "Fuck!" I believe that by showing people what's really going on I am not only living a life of integrity, but I am showing more respect toward them. And in my mind that translates to open dialogue, which is the beginning of communication, and that is one of the greatest ways of demonstrating love. Again, this is all my opinion.

The other thing is that any word has an assigned meaning, so if you assign the word "shit" a negative connotation, you will view it accordingly. But if you assign it a neutral connotation, people won't care. Words like cunt and fuck are really just strong words, in the same way that anguish and agony are strong words. So what makes the former unacceptable? I honestly don't know. But I guess that's why we need to spend time talking to people and finding out what people find offensive and what they don't. If someone finds the word "cunt" offensive I won't use it in front of them, but again, this is only evident after a relationship has been established and communication has been started.

Why not just not swear at all? Because I have to have a benchmark, and that benchmark is determined by what I find comfortable. And the truth is that I honestly don't mind talking about anything [literally anything] with anyone. I don't mind swearing, or drinking, or smoking so that's my benchmark. Perhaps I'm too liberal, and perhaps that will change but for now I'm happy with that. If you aren't contact me and we'll chat.

At the end of the day if you are applying Christ's principles to your life with integrity, and to the best of your ability no one can really complain.

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