Friday, January 30, 2009

Character Traits

I have a theory which states "What irritates you about others is likely to be a downfall in your own character." This is of course my own theory and is only based on my experience, so it's not proven in any way, shape or form. I do believe it to be true. Here's an example: I hate it when people are under pressure, and then disregard people in pursuit of their desired outcome, but that is exactly what I do when there is a high pressure situation. I automatically become excessively aggressive in order to get the 'job' done.

Now some people see this as a necessity, but I don't. I actually see it as a problem, and something I need to work on.

But this trait can work for good as well as for bad, and as long as you are out there to improve yourself, it's a very good thing in every situation.

Here's another example in my life. I love a show called "The Big Bang Theory". Basically it's a sitcom about five people, with two characters being the main characters. In the story, there are two geniuses who live together in a flat, with one of them being socially retarded and exceptionally brilliant, while the other is more socially advanced but is still intellectually superior and would easily fall into the category of 'nerd'.

Now, the more socially advanced 'nerd' has a crush on the girl who lives across the hallway, in the opposite flat. She of course isn't particularly clever, but is extremely good looking and has a heart of gold. The story revolves around the interaction between the geniuses and their 'nerd' friends, and this hall neighbour.

Now, in case you don't know I have a very high IQ. I don't feel bad about, I don't make it a thing, it is what it is. At the same time, I can clearly see in myself similarities with Leonard and Sheldon (the main characters), and I know that the average person sees me as a weirdo because of it.

In some cases I don't think of it as a problem, but in others I do. I suppose that as long as you are open to accurately and open mindedly assessing the situation there are no problems. The trick is being able to admit you're wrong and having a good attitude about it.

So next time you see something in someone else that really grinds your tits, think about yourself before you start telling people to jump in a lake.

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